Your Funny Gemini Horoscope for Friday, 1st Mar 2024
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Below is your horoscope for the date specified above. Some people think it's unlucky to look at old horoscopes from prior dates but we think it's important in order to be able to gauge the accuracy rates of horoscopes. So, if you want to check your old horoscopes, use our Archive Horoscopes section and enjoy yourself!
21 May - 21 June
Everything you read online today may turn out to be a complete sham, or alternatively contain very inciteful tidbits detailing the most intimate details of your unconscious self.
Hope can solve nearly all of your problems today. Until tomorrow when all of your dreams will be dashed to pieces.
A trip to the doctor's should quell any anxiety you have about being a pair of curtains, although his diagnosis may be less than helpful.
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