Read story Uk's Latest Plan: Popping Good Salaries in Bubble Wrap!
UK News Politics 0

In a shocking turn of events, the UK government has announced that they will be paying their citizens in bubble wrap instead of traditional currency. Sources say that the idea came about when a shipment of bubble wrap was mistakenly sent to the Treasury Department instead of bank notes....

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Rishi Sunak Saves the Day: Millionaire PM Spreads Generosity to Struggling Brits, Insists He's Definitely Not to Blame for Their Financial Woes!

UK News Politics 0

LONDON â€" In a heartwarming display of altruism, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has announced a plan to generously dole out crumbs to the nation's struggling masses, insisting that...

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George W Bush to Take Over as the New Host of The Price is Right and Finally Find the Weapons of Mass Destruction

US News Entertainment 0

The news of George W Bush taking over as the new host of The Price is Right has sent shockwaves throughout the nation. The public is divided on the appointment, with some praising...

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