
According to a recent study, communicating with your greenery can stimulate their growth and brain function. However, it also...
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Unwanted Chairs Get a New Home: In Pet Palaces Across Japan
Business 0In a move that's sure to cause a frenzy in Japan's already crowded pet market, a Japanese start-up is selling used office chairs as luxury furniture for pets. The move is proving to be quite popular with pet owners who are looking for a cheap yet stylish way to pamper their furry friends....
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Out of This World: Eurovision 2023 to Celebrate Unique Talents of Martian Robots
Entertainment 0In an unprecedented move, the 2023 Eurovision Song Contest has announced that its lineup will include a special performance by a group of singing robots hailing all the way from Mars. While the decision has been met with mixed reactions from some of the more conventional Eurovision...
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Game makers to develop all future software to run on toasters to ensure compatibility
Sci / Tech 0In a shocking turn of events, the Entertainment Software Association announced that all PC games will now be manufactured on toaster ovens. This decision came after years of struggling to ensure compatibility with all devices, resulting in the infamous "Will it run doom?" meme...
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Local Werewolf community outraged at heavy metal fans
Entertainment 0A recent study has found that listening to heavy metal music can turn you into a werewolf. This has caused an uproar in the werewolf community, with many feeling offended and misunderstood....
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Breaking News: Social media to face-altering filter ban shakes up influencers everywhere
Health 0In a move that has left Instagram models and vloggers alike reeling, social media sites have announced a ban on face-altering filters. In a statement released yesterday, the platforms cited concerns over the impact that such filters may have on young people's self-esteem - a...
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New Robot Sensation Reveals that Purple Tastes Like Chicken, According to Study
Entertainment 0In an unexpected and groundbreaking development, scientists have created a robot that can taste colors. The gadget, nicknamed "RoboTongue" by scientists, is the first of its kind to cross the sensory taste barrier in machines....
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Titanic Wreck Scanned, Celine Dion Weeps With Envy
0The world was stunned last week as the first full-sized scans of the Titanic's wreckage were released to the public. Never before has such a detailed picture been revealed, exposing every inch of the infamous sunk ship...
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New Motorola Moto 720 to have 2 screens and a built-in mini-espresso machine
Sci / Tech 0Introducing the Latest Moto 720: The Phone That Wakes You Up and Keeps You Goin...
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