Romantic Gemini love horoscope


Birth date: 21 May - 21 June

Life can be as romantic as you wish to make it. Like the old saying goes, a man with three fish has enough in his heart to help him build a picnic chair.

Charity begins at home. So when you get home remember to give something to your loved one that is unexpected and rude. When questioned you can be armed with the ready response "Charity begins at home..." and so on.

A financial pressure will exert itself this week and cause problems with your love life. The trip abroad you had promised yourself will have to go onto the back-burner as you try to resolve how your lover managed to spend $3,500 shopping on the internet.

Putty may be an important object for you today, as will a ball of string and a small ball-peen hammer.

Taurus horoscope

Remember, it's unfair to expect your friends and family to provide you with alibis. Good fortune will stalk you like......

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