Science & Technology

Read story Local Farmer Shocked to Discover Cows Could Fly, But Chose Not To
UK News Health 0

In a groundbreaking discovery, local dairy farmer, Bob Johnson, made a startling revelation after noticing a group of his cows levitating in the fields....

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Facebook Announces New Data Policy: No More Snooping, Just Mind-Reading

US News Business 0

In a shocking announcement, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg declared that the social media giant will no longer be storing any data about its users. But before you breathe a sigh of relief, the catch is that Facebook will instead start collecting all your thoughts and emotions....

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Twitter gives verified status to user claiming to be Bigfoot, public demands proof of existence

UK News 0

In a shocking move, Twitter has bestowed the coveted blue checkmark to a user claiming to be the one and only Bigfoot. While some members of the public were excited at the possibility of communicating with the elusive creature, others were skeptical....

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"Triple-DNA" Baby Born in UK, Causing Confusion Amongst Geneticists and Aliens Everywhere

UK News Politics 0

LONDON - In a landmark scientific breakthrough, a baby has been born that has genetic material from three different people. This has sent the world of science into chaos, with experts scrambling to figure out what to call this tripartite creation. "We're thinking about 'threeploid'...

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Green thumbs beware! Talking to your houseplants may make them smarter but turn you into a plant-brained pea!

World 0

According to a recent study, communicating with your greenery can stimulate their growth and brain function. However, it also comes with a cost - your mental clarity....

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Apple Introduces the Latest in Robotic Matchmakers - the Wedding Plannerbot!

UK News 0

London, UK - Apple has once again taken the tech game by storm with their newest innovation, Wedding Plannerbot! While some may question the announcement of a robot wedding planner, there is no denying that Wedding Plannerbot's sleek design and ability to multitask have brides...

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Photographer accidentally takes candid shot of Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster holding hands

World 0

Local photographer, Steve Johnson, was in for a big surprise when he accidentally captured a heartwarming moment between Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster while out on a nature shoot. Johnson claims he was simply trying to capture a serene landscape when he stumbled upon the...

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Big Pharma Takes on H2o: Introducing Anti-water, the New Way to Stay Thirsty!

US News Business 0

In a bold move, a pharmaceutical company is set to release a new product that they claim will revolutionize the way people think about hydration. Anti-Water, the world's first ever anti-hydrating agent, promises to keep you thirsty all day long...

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Game makers to develop all future software to run on toasters to ensure compatibility

World 0

In a shocking turn of events, the Entertainment Software Association announced that all PC games will now be manufactured on toaster ovens. This decision came after years of struggling to ensure compatibility with all devices, resulting in the infamous "Will it run doom?" meme...

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Science and technology news is probably the headline section that we most enjoy writing for here at Laughsend. There's such an amazing array of funny things to write about, from hi-tech gadgets to Yahweh being found in a taco - two of our best parody writers have an IT background, and fight (scissors/paper/stone) for the right to write our technology articles, because they love their computers and gadgets so much. The other writer just likes to laugh at them while duelling, and in the background just write funny news stories about cool things like dinosaur's fridges, DNA that can make an inside-out you, and magnets - because they're so neat!

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When hankering for some food you may decide to experiment with various plants - avoid those with 3 leaves. Login to e......

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