In an unexpected and groundbreaking development, scientists have created a robot that can taste colors. The gadget, nicknamed "RoboTongue" by scientists, is the first of its kind to cross the sensory taste barrier in machines.
Unsurprisingly, the development in robotics has been met with enthusiasm from both techies and foodies alike. "I can't believe it, this is the kind of invention I've been waiting for my whole life," purred Master Chef Josh, dramatically teasing his ladle in the air.
However, not everyone is equally impressed. Outspoken blogger Flora Green, (who is not related to the "Lean Green Eating Machine," star), commented: "This is ridiculous. What's the point in having a robot that can taste colors? Is it supposed to revolutionize the food industry?"
Meanwhile, other members of the public have taken to social media to express their excitement about the benefits this invention could bring, including the possibility of supermarkets using it to detect the ripeness of fruit and vegetables, thereby reducing waste.
"I can't wait to use this in my kitchen," tweeted an avid foodie. "It'll revolutionize the way I cook."
But the team behind the project are adamant about the potential applications for their groundbreaking creation. They have even held a cooking competition to showcase the robot's "unique culinary prowess."
RoboTongue has been programmed to associate different tastes with individual colors and has identified weirdly specific associations, such as purple tastes like chicken, brown tastes like chocolate, and yellow tastes like bananas. The machine's creators have yet to explain why they have made these rather eccentric pairings.
When asked about the results of this taste technology, lead engineer Dr. James Brown quipped, "I'm just glad we didn't make purple taste like dog food!"
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