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Breaking News: Social media to face-altering filter ban shakes up influencers everywhere

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In a move that has left Instagram models and vloggers alike reeling, social media sites have announced a ban on face-altering filters. In a statement released yesterday, the platforms cited concerns over the impact that such filters may have on young people's self-esteem - a concern that has been echoed by many members of the public.

"Finally!" exclaimed one disgruntled parent. "My daughter has been using these filters for months and I've been so worried about the message it sends about her natural beauty."

Yet, not everyone seems to be on board with this decision. Many influencers have come out in protest, saying that such filters are essential to their brand and that without them, they may have to resort to actually using makeup.

"I can't believe they're doing this to us," griped one beauty blogger. "Without these filters, I'm just a regular person with bad skin and dark under-eye circles. My followers expect better from me."

Despite this outcry, it seems that the public is largely supportive of the ban.

"It's about time they did something," said one Avon lady. "Filters like these give people an unrealistic idea of what they can achieve with products like ours. It's time to get real."

While social media sites are yet to announce when the ban will take effect, it is thought that it could cause a major shake-up in the influencer world and result in a glut of "makeup free" selfies flooding our feeds.

"I think it'll be great to see people being more honest about their appearance," said one elementary school teacher. "Maybe it will encourage kids to embrace their natural beauty instead of trying to be something they're not."

Of course, it remains to be seen how this decision will play out. But one thing's for sure - the face-altering filter ban is shaping up to be a revealing look at the personalities behind our screens. Will we see a more authentic representation of ourselves online? Only time will tell.

In the meantime, keep an eye out for the hashtag #nofilter - it's the new trend sweeping the interwebs.Much like a magic wand, face-altering filters have the power to transform a simple selfie into a flawless portrait. But these days, it seems that their spell has been broken.

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