World Sci / Tech

Game makers to develop all future software to run on toasters to ensure compatibility

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In a shocking turn of events, the Entertainment Software Association announced that all PC games will now be manufactured on toaster ovens. This decision came after years of struggling to ensure compatibility with all devices, resulting in the infamous "Will it run doom?" meme.

Many gamers are skeptical of the new method, claiming that toaster ovens aren't powerful enough to handle modern games. "I'm not sure my toaster can even handle bread, let alone a high-intensity game like Call of Duty," said gamer and bread enthusiast, Jim.

Toaster oven manufacturers, on the other hand, are thrilled about the news. "We've been trying to break into the gaming market for years, and this is our chance!" exclaimed Bob, CEO of ToasterTech. "Our ovens may be small, but they have multiple settings which will allow for all types of games to be baked to perfection."

In addition, the ESA has hired celebrity chef Bobby Flay to oversee the manufacturing process. "I'm excited to bring my culinary expertise to the gaming world," Flay stated. "Making games on toaster ovens is just like making a perfect soufflé - it's all about timing and precision."

Despite the initial skepticism and confusion, the overall response from gamers has been positive. "Hey, as long as my game doesn't come out burnt, I'm all for it," said Jim.

The future of PC gaming may be uncertain, but one thing is for sure - we're gonna need more bread.

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