Romantic Scorpio love horoscope


Birth date: 24 October - 21 November

Why not grin like a Cheshire cat? But don't talk like him - that'll just alienate yourself from everyone who could love you. And who wouldn't love you? Huh? Who? No-one, cos you're ace.

Temptation looms high over the agenda today as you suddenly notice that your colleague has rather a nice bottom and appears to make you need to stare at it. Your belief that bewitching exists is made possible today.

The merry dance that you've been led on during the last few months is finally going to come to an end. Sure, you'll be dizzy as hell but finding out what's being going on and why a certain someone has been treating you the way they have, will suddenly become clear. And clarity's good, right? Even if you're dizzy, clarity's good.

Libra horoscope

The odds that you'll escape today without a serious injury, are incalculable. Danger. Excitement. Love. Hate. These......

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