The cliche is mightier than the sword
If you're at all keen on comedy or writing, show off your skills here at Laughsend!
We're very excited to announce that we have now launched our writer's dashboard so that you can write your own stories and get them published straight to Laughsend! To get there just sign up with the following incredibly simple form, and start writing.
Why choose Laughsend?
There are lots of ways to get your writing online these days, including settings up your own blog. It can be incredibly quick to set up your own blogging website, and although it may take a few weeks of tinkering, you can even get it looking exactly as you want it! But the problem comes with getting people to see your hard work. Trust us - we've been there - it's a very difficult chicken and egg situation where you find yourself generating so much fantastic content to try to bring in the visitors, but without the visitors the desire to keep creating the content will ebb and eventually falter.
We don't claim to be the best known satire website, but what we lack there we make up for in genuine spirit and determination to succeed. What we do also have is thousands of visitors eager to read your work. So don't delay - get started below and get writing your fabulous funny stories!
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Thank you,
The Laughsend Team.