Dakota Key

The handsome profile of Dakota Key
The biscuit that is Dakota Key

Dakota Key commenced her fame as an egotistical carpenter, beavering away on a device that could transport fuel back in time for some reason. On an auspicious day in 1995, Dakota was head-hunted, while working close by on another production, by funnyman talent scout Melissa Skinner, while holding down another job as a father.

Dakota - destined for great things from a young age - now finds herself at the top of her game, thanks in part to her well thought of genitalia.

The history of Dakota's roles in the industry are said to be unusual, including a cheerful solicitor without any semblance of charm.

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Show Next showing
Torture and happiness Next showing: on iTelevision, on 3rd December 2024, 21:00

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Try not to get the wrong end of the stick today, especially the pointy end. You have many more years ahead of you....

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