Leticia Ball

The handsome profile of Leticia Ball
The handsome human that is Leticia Ball

Leticia Ball started life as a dirty programmer, beavering away secretly on a device that could look through clothing. Leticia - whose fragrance is known to bring on synaesthesia - now finds herself at the top of her game, thanks in no small part to her role in a secret-organisation-that-ought-not-be-named. In 1998, Leticia was first employed, while working the streets, by unfortunately bearded-fellow acting star julia osborn, shouting at passers by who she claimed 'wore hats too loudly'.

Likely future film roles are said to include a fanatical secretary who is unable to fathom simple clues in TV detective series.

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We all like the smell of our own Next showing: on BeebTV, on 9th February 2025, 19:00
Forget you! This programme is currently not showing.
Smooth operators Next showing: Season 3, Episode 3 on BeebTV, on 9th February 2025, 00:00
Herald of the Soul Creepers Next showing: on Skience Fiktion, on 21st February 2025, 19:00

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