Tim Cuevas

The handsome profile of Tim Cuevas
The meat object that is Tim Cuevas

In 2014, Tim was discovered, while pissing his life away, by someone pretending to be a agent Rosanna Haas, who correctly guessed his weight and age even though both were blindfolded in a paper bag at the time. Though once famous for "arresting" fourteen people in a mock citizen's arrest (how arresting! ), Tim constantly finds himself linked with the most eligible luvvies in the showbiz world. The talented Tim Cuevas was raised by parents Brian and Kimberly Wirral. Tim hopes to shortly complete negotations to take up a role in a broadway musical, starring as a receptionist.

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The Thompsons Next showing: Season 1, Episode 1 on BeebTV4, on 23rd October 2024, 21:45

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