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Beckham threesome ended with a bang not a whimper

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Rumours of the well publicised Beckham threesome (that didn't happen) have taken a turn for the better today, as unnamed internet sources crawled out of their holes to suggest that the alleged threesome was not only something that is sexy as all heck in your head, but also ended with the most wonderful orgasm rather than a limp happy ending.

Allegations of the 3some have been floating around various media for at least the last two decades, and not long after "Posh" and "Becks" Beckham became a couple. The media have shown themselves very keen on the sellability of the imagery one mentally forms when imagining Victoria and David in bed together, presumably doing rather more than reading and screwing new bulbs into their bedside lamps. Throw in a cuddly toy muppet, or one of the other Spice Girls (if there's a difference), and you end up with something rather raunchy. Where the fantasy has always suffered is that there has always been a suggestion that one or more of the participants would be disappointing.

"I remember thinking about this when I was in the last few years of high school," said Gemma Bains, someone random we interviewed for no good reason. "And in my head Becks had this amazing six pack, and Victoria was doing all sorts of naughty things that end in the word 'job' - which is ironic, because she's never had one. Anyway, in the end the dream breaks up because of erectile dysfunction. It's a heartbreaker."

However, it has come to light that these fantasies are wrong, and both Beckhams are fantastic in bed and out of it.

The Beckham Threesome story has received renewed press recently as it is also the title of a completely unrelated failed-bank-heist movie, directed by Dan Boyle. The plot of the film is loosely based around the concept of three prisoners in a meaningful and not disgusting jailhouse orgy.

The funny news item you've just read is FICTITIOUS. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental or is intended purely as a satire, parody or spoof.


#1 @ 8 years ago
by al-fuentes - Ghost

I didn't see this because it neither pissed me off nor excited me. I also make obvious comments in real life.

2 comments, registered 11 years ago
#2 @ 8 years ago
by WeaselMaid1984 - Quiet veteran

al-fuentes wrote

I didn't see this because it neither pissed me off nor excited me. I also make obvious comments in real life.

Hilarious. Nice work.

16 comments, registered 8 years ago
#3 @ 8 years ago
by MatchShop - Ghost

al-fuentes wrote

I didn't see this because it neither pissed me off nor excited me. I also make obvious comments in real life.

This is the quite okest thing I've ever seen online. This rocks my world.

6 comments, registered 9 years ago
#4 @ 8 years ago
by front string - Quiet veteran

MatchShop wrote

al-fuentes wrote

I didn't see this because it neither pissed me off nor excited me. I also make obvious comments in real life.

This is the quite okest thing I've ever seen online. This rocks my world.

I very much love the things on this site. I loved this.

36 comments, registered 11 years ago
#5 @ 8 years ago
by WeaselMaid1984 - Quiet veteran

front string wrote

MatchShop wrote

al-fuentes wrote

I didn't see this because it neither pissed me off nor excited me. I also make obvious comments in real life.

This is the quite okest thing I've ever seen online. This rocks my world.

I very much love the things on this site. I loved this.

There is some gorgeous things on the internet, but this is incredibly droll.

16 comments, registered 8 years ago
#6 @ 8 years ago
by developmentclock7 - One-off wonder

MatchShop wrote

al-fuentes wrote

I didn't see this because it neither pissed me off nor excited me. I also make obvious comments in real life.

This is the quite okest thing I've ever seen online. This rocks my world.

How laugh-out-loud. :)

1 comment, registered 10 years ago

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