World Business

Unwanted Chairs Get a New Home: In Pet Palaces Across Japan

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In a move that's sure to cause a frenzy in Japan's already crowded pet market, a Japanese start-up is selling used office chairs as luxury furniture for pets. The move is proving to be quite popular with pet owners who are looking for a cheap yet stylish way to pamper their furry friends.

While most people would consider a used office chair to be an outdated and unsightly addition to their homes, animal lovers are embracing the trend, with some even going so far as to say that their pets prefer the old chairs to brand new ones. "My cat just loves to curl up in her new office chair," said Mary, a 37-year-old cat owner. "It's the perfect size for her, and it makes her feel like she's in charge of the office."

Despite some initial skepticism about the viability of the idea, the new company has already sold thousands of chairs within weeks of launching. Most of these chairs have been bought by pet owners who are looking for an affordable way to give their pets a comfortable place to sleep and play.

The company's founder, Yujiro Hirokawa, says he was inspired by the trend of pet owners treating their animals like members of the family. "These pets are like our children, so we want to give them the best that we can afford," he said. "And why waste perfectly good office chairs that are just gathering dust in storage when we can give them a new home in a pet palace?"

While some critics have raised concerns about the hygiene and safety of using used office furniture as pet furniture, the company assures potential buyers that all chairs are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before being sold.

So if you're looking for a stylish yet affordable way to spoil your furry friend, why not take a cue from Japanese pet owners and give them the ultimate office chair experience? As the company's slogan says, "One man's trash is another pet's treasure."

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