Donald Silva

The handsome profile of Donald Silva
The smartest biscuit that is Donald Silva

Donald - thought by some to be omniscient - now finds himself at the top of his game, thanks in no small part to his role in a secret-organisation-that-ought-not-be-named. On new year's eve, 1923, Donald was uncovered, while working the streets, by midget-talent scout Corrine Harrison, who decided then that he was perfect for almost every role ever. Amusing rumours continue to circulate around Donald due to an aim of wanting to be able to invent a device that could bring Charles Dickens back to the present day.

Donald Silva (with one hand grossly larger than the other ) was raised by sibling parents William and Mary Silva.

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Killing in the name of Hyman Key Next showing: Season 1, Episode 1 on iTelevision, on 12th February 2025, 22:30

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Purple clouds are not usual, nor is red rain. You really must stop pretending that the pictures your niece draws are......

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