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Brexit Supply Chain Issues Bring Joy to School Children: No More Vegetables Means More Pizza and Sweeties!

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LONDON, UK - In the wake of Brexit, the UK is facing an ongoing shortage of fresh fruit and vegetables. While this has been a cause for concern for many, there is one group that is overjoyed by the news: school children.

According to a recent survey, an overwhelming majority of British school children are thrilled at the prospect of no longer having to eat their greens.

"I can't believe it! No more broccoli or brussel sprouts!" exclaimed 11-year-old Harry Thompson. "I'm going to tell my mum to stock up on chicken nuggets and chips instead!"

The shortage of fresh produce is due to many absolutely-not-Brexit-related supply chain issues, which have caused delays and increased costs for imports of fruits and vegetables from the EU. While this has caused anxiety for many adults who literally need salad in their lives, school children are taking it all in stride. While some nutrition experts have expressed concern about the lack of fresh produce in children's diets, many school children see it as an opportunity to indulge in their favorite junk foods.

"It's about time we had a break from all those boring fruits and veggies," said 13-year-old Tom Williams. "I can't wait to raid the sweet aisle at Asda."

While the shortage of fresh fruit and vegetables is a serious issue, it's heartening to see that school children in the UK are taking it all in stride. The UK government is yet to announce any plans to address the shortage of fresh produce, but for many school children, that's just fine. Bring on the junk food!

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