A 3ft wasp nest has been discovered by doctors, lodged within a British woman's vagina. The nest, nicknamed Errol, was built by a swarm of around 400 vespula wasps, and weighed almost 12 pounds when it was finally removed in July this year. The woman in question has not been named for what the police described as "reasons".
"The woman, 43, was taken into hospital suffering from moderate vaginal cramping. Although it was initially diagnosed as, what the emergency room staff call, a 'vibrator insertion dilemma' - or VID - x-rays showed that the problem was much more serious. The woman was quickly sedated while doctors and fumigators performed a joint operation to remove the nest and quell the danger."
Wasps are known to enjoy the warmth and comfort of a human vagina, and because of the warm yeasty smells are similarly attracted to bread ovens. Although the woman's name is subject to a court superinjunction, friends of the woman have been talking anonymously about her.
"She's a fairly normal sort," said Charles Dockens, neighbour of 43 years. "Wasps in her snatch, of course, but that's par for the course around here. Let's just say that as a retired Navy General I've seen a lot worse."
The wasps have been taken in temporarily by a foster family in Dorset while more suitable permanent homes are found.
lush! a masterpiece. ho droll.
this is the most hilarious thing i've ever experienced.