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New Motorola Moto 720 to have 2 screens and a built-in mini-espresso machine

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Introducing the Latest Moto 720: The Phone That Wakes You Up and Keeps You Going

Tech enthusiasts can finally rejoice as the new Motorola Moto 720 comes equipped with not just one, but two screens, giving users the ability to multitask like a pro. But that's not all! This innovative device also has a built-in mini-espresso machine, ensuring you never have to go more than a few feet from your phone for that much-needed caffeine boost.

According to Motorola's CEO, Jane Smith, "We wanted to create a phone that not only meets basic communication needs but also enhances the daily routine of our customers. This is the future of smartphones."

The small but powerful coffee maker has the capacity to produce two shots of espresso at a time, perfect for busy professionals on-the-go. The dual screens are also a game-changer, with one acting as a full-color display while the other turns monochrome for reading books and newspapers.

"This is perfect for me," said self-proclaimed tech guru, John. F. "I can finally have my phone and coffee all in one place, it's genius!"

Of course, not everyone is a fan of the new device. Many consumers have voiced their concern about the added bulk and weight of the mini coffee maker, with some saying they'd prefer a slimmer phone without the added perk.

However, the company's spokesperson, Mary White, assures consumers that the Moto 720 is the perfect combination of function and style. "Our design team has worked tirelessly to create a phone that looks both sleek and sophisticated, but also packs a punch in terms of functionality. The Moto 720 is definitely the best of both worlds."

With the tagline "Awaken your senses, Stay connected," the Moto 720 is sure to be a hit amongst those who want a little something extra with their communication device. The future of smartphones is here, and it's only getting better.

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