World Health

They're Not as Monstrous as We Thought!

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In a shocking discovery, scientists have found that monsters are not actually the terrifying creatures we thought they were. After years of being depicted as bloodthirsty, flesh-eating beasts, the truth has finally come out.

Experts now say that as kids, we were taught to hate monsters because of their looks, and that the negative stereotypes surrounding monsters have been perpetuated for far too long. The study shows that it is simply wrong to judge a monster by its appearance, and that we need to start showing them some love!

"I always knew they had a soft side," said one little girl who claims to have seen a monster in her closet. "They just want to play and be friends!"

In light of this new information, monster celebrities such as Frankenstein, The Mummy, and even Dracula himself have spoken out against the discrimination they've faced for years. "It's about time the world sees us for who we truly are," said the distinguished Count. "I'm a lover, not a biter."

Despite the initial backlash from humans who still cling to their fear of monsters, the new study shows promise for a brighter future for both species. As one monster put it, "We're getting there, one scream at a time."

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