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Twitter Alt Text Meme That Isn't Funny for Blind People

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In a shocking revelation, a ridiculous meme using the "Twitter alt text", has been causing ripples of disbelief across social media.

"I mean, seriously? Who thought this was a good idea?" exclaimed millennial Tiffany, who spends most of her day on Twitter, scrolling through hilarious memes that showcase her superior sense of humor. "Making fun of blind people? That's just mean. I hope they get what's coming to them," she added, before quickly taking another selfie.

Meanwhile, grandpa Joe, who mostly gets his news from the good old newspapers, muttered incredulously, "In my day, we didn't need no fancy newfangled concepts like 'alt text' to understand a picture. And we certainly didn't make fun of the less fortunate. Shameful, I say!"

The catchphrase of the hour has been 'disability is not a joke', which has been trending on Twitter since the story broke. One user, who wishes to remain anonymous, had this to say, "I suffer from a disability, and I can assure you it's not something that should be laughed at or trivialized. It's a tough life, and people who make fun of it have clearly never experienced it themselves. It's like they're fishing for clicks or something."

The website in question has tried to defend its actions, with the unnameable CEO citing "freedom of expression" as a reason for their actions. "We're just trying to bring some humor to people's lives. We didn't mean to offend anyone. Besides, we've got bills to pay, you know," he said with a shrug.

The public isn't having any of it, with many calling for the website to be taken down or at least reprimanded for their inappropriate behavior. As one outraged Twitter user put it, "This is just another example of clickbait gone wild. They'll do anything for clicks, even if it means making fun of people with disabilities. Shame on them!".

In a world where social media influencers reign supreme and clicks equal cash, it seems like anything goes. But if this story has taught us anything, it's that humor should never come at the cost of someone's well-being. As the saying goes, "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all".

We'll just have to wait and see if their actions match their words.

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