NRA Spokeswoman Dana Loesch was in a state of panic over the weekend as one of her handguns went missing. A worried Loesch tweeted about the incident @DLoesch:
"My Glock22 is missing. Can anyone please assist me in locating it? If anyone has it I insist that you turn it in to the nearest police station. I can assure you that you will be handsomely rewarded."
Many Twitter users were quick to poke fun at Loesch's misfortune. Tamika Mallory, the national co-chair for the Women's March and gun control advocate who got into a heated CNN debate with Loesch last year over an NRA ad which featured Loesch responded @TamikaDMallory:
"LOL. What's the matter Dana? Afraid that you can't use your so-called second amendment rights to intimidate innocent young black men who are being systematically gunned downed in the streets? Your organization has blood on its hands and you should be imprisoned."
Loesch replied @DLoesch:
"Listen Mallory, I am not going to get into a silly argument with you over your ridiculous claims. But someone like you who can associate with a racist, anti-Semite like Louis Farrakhan, have to be the biggest hypocrite there is. But of course you can continue believing that Farrakhan and all who support his hateful, racist and bigoted views can't be racist because of the color of their skin."
Mallory responded @TamikaDMallory:
"Mr. Farrakhan is a wonderful man. How dare you speak lies about him? I'll be reporting you for hate speech Dana so hopefully your account will be terminated. BTW, I hope your gun is never found."
Loesch answered @DLoesch:
"So speaking the truth about a hater like Farrakhan is now equivalent to hate speech? Thanks for the not so wisecrack Tamika. But it is quite obvious that you are unwise and cracked."
On another note, since the publication of this story, Loesch's gun has since been found in a garbage dump a few kilometers from her home.
And your point is?