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Sheryl Crow to admit a change won't necessarily "do you good"

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Popular late 90s pop star Sheryl Crow has today admitted that change never actually did her any good, in direct contradiction to the song she released in 1996. The ageing pop star, now 73, has been forced into making the statement after being harangued on popular social media site Twitter, stating quite clearly:

"A change never did me any good, I'll admit it. Now piss off, the lot of you." - Sheryl Crow, Twitter.

Changes in Crow's life include adopting a family of chipmunks in 2003 which ended in a messy divorce settlement, and a minor hair colouring alteration in 2008 which prompted speculation that she was forced to wear wigs. Although she took to YouTube later that year to demonstrate the adhesive qualities of the dyed follicles, the episode was said to have upset her greatly and she became increasingly secluded in her Santa Monica Boulevard home.

Crow, who also had hits like That Don't Impress Me Much and Girls on Film, also starred in the 1994 biopic The Crow, which attempted to foretell the life she would lead following fame as a popstar. An interview in 2007 to TQL magazine sums up her feelings about the film:

"Oh don't get me started. From day one there were problems with that film; some guy died, someone else kept bringing me the wrong kind of coffee. There were orphaned children hidden in my trailer that kept stealing change from my purse. Actually they were kinda cute, but the rest of it was horrible. And my life didn't go so well as I'd imagined, either. So it goes."

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