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D-List Celebs Out of the Picture as Tech Advances

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HOLLYWOOD, CA - The entertainment industry has taken a hit as TikTok continues to dominate the social media scene. With the rise of the video-sharing app, D-list celebrities have been demoted to the E-list due to their lack of TikTok followers.

"Who even are they?" said Amanda Johnson, a teenage girl and avid TikToker, when asked about the celebrities affected.

From David Hasselhoff to Paris Hilton, numerous former big names have fallen hard in the digital age. Even the former reality star and supposed business mogul, Donald Trump, has been left in the dust with only a few thousand followers.

With the shift in popularity, TikTok stars are becoming the new go-to for advertisements and sponsorships.

"The reality TV stars just aren't cutting it anymore," said social media influencer, Jacob Green.

In response to their demotions, some celebrities have taken to filming TikToks to try and climb back up the rankings. However, their attempts have been lackluster and widely mocked.

"They're trying too hard to stay relevant," said Green.

Even former pop star, Barbie Girl, is struggling to keep up with the times.

"I thought I was still relevant, but I guess I was wrong," said Barbie. "I just can't compete with all of these newbies."

As for the rest of the world, they seem to be enjoying the show as the industry crumbles before their eyes.

"I never liked them anyways," said Johnson.

As the entertainment industry continues to shift, these D-list celebrities will have to come up with a new strategy to stay relevant in a world where followers mean everything. As for the rest of us, we'll just sit back and watch as they try to keep up.

"I can't wait to see what they do next," said Green.

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