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Local Officials Halt Traffic to Teach Semi-Charmed Life Interpreted through Dance Instead

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The small town of Boring, Oregon has officially made it their mission to make every single intersection that much more entertaining. After a six-month study on the best way to improve driver safety, city council members have agreed that interpretive dance is the best way to replace stop signs.

Local residents are both excited and confused about the new plan, with one resident saying, "I mean, I love watching people interpret their emotions through dance, but I have no idea how I'm supposed to navigate through an intersection if I'm too busy watching a group of people communicate their feelings of angst to the tune of the Macarena."

The process will start with a group of volunteer dancers performing in unison for each intersection. They will be performing a new song each week, ranging from timeless favorites like 'Thriller' by Michael Jackson, to more modern jams such as 'Old Town Road' by Lil Nas X.

In preparation for this new method of pedestrian safety, residents are encouraged to attend compulsory interpretive dance performances in the local community center, complete with choreography tutorials and interpretive dance sessions.

Mayor, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, had this to say, "We're very excited about this new plan. I mean, who doesn't want to get a private weekly show at every intersection? It's like a traffic stop Broadway experience. Plus, dance is a wonderful way to communicate with one another, and more community involvement is always a good thing. Just don't expect me to perform anytime soon."

When asked why they chose interpretive dance over any other exciting new traffic control method, council member Anna Kendrick responded, "Well, I think if the stop sign is turning into a daily bore, changing it into a dance routine will certainly liven it up. Plus, it really separates us from the other snooze fest towns, doesn't it?"

Residents can look forward to a safer and far more hip method of making it through intersections, with the added bonus of keeping up with their cardio. Local resident, Janice, said ecstatically, "I can't wait to dance away the tears of smog and road rage on my daily commute."

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