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Breaking News: Trump to use Wingdings font to appeal to Gen Z, because who needs words, right?

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In an effort to connect with the younger generation, the Trump campaign has announced it will exclusively use the Wingdings font in all its communications. Trump's team believes that the use of emojis, winged hearts, and smiley faces will make all the difference in this upcoming election.

"It's no secret that the youth love emojis and Wingdings are basically emojis on steroids. Trump's going to win in a landslide now," said a campaign insider who wished to remain anonymous.

Of course, this decision has left many Americans scratching their heads. Some have even taken to social media to mock the move. One user tweeted, "Maybe they should just use the poop emoji instead of Wingdings?" Another joked, "Next step is campaigning via interpretive dance."

However, not everyone is against the decision. "I love Wingdings, they're so much more than just letters. This is a bold move by Trump and I think it'll pay off," said Karen, a self-proclaimed "font enthusiast" from Wisconsin.

While the move may seem ridiculous to some, it's important to remember that this is not the first time Trump has gone against the grain. Who can forget his famous catchphrase, "covfefe"? It's just another example of the president's willingness to take risks and try new things.

As one Trump supporter put it, "The haters can hate all they want, but they'll be seeing winged eagles and thumbs up emojis everywhere they go. MAGA, baby!"

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